The engine ID uniquely identifies an SNMP entity in a network, and it is crucial for the proper functioning of SNMPv3, particularly for authentication and privacy features.
To check engine-id of a VOS node, run following command from shell.
vsh engine-id
Versa follow the standard RFC 3411 to derive Engine-ID, and can be briefly written as below,
8000 <Entrprise-No.> <Format-Type> <Value>
*All values in hexadecimal
Private Enterprise Number of Versa is 42359
(Hex Value: A577)
Following number will be assigned against Format-Type field,
IP: 01
Text: 04
Other: 05
Considering the enterprise-number 42359, here is illustration of a different Engine-ID calculation.
set snmp agent engine-id enterprise-number 42359
IP type value: (01)
set snmp agent engine-id from-ip >>> ’s Hex Value 01:00:00:08
Engine-ID: 80:00:a5:77:01:0a:00:00:08
MAC type value: (03)
set snmp agent engine-id from-mac-address 52:54:00:9d:ac:e4 >>> MAC address is already in Hex format
Engine-ID: 80:00:a5:77:03:52:54:00:9d:ac:e4
Text type value: (04)
set snmp agent engine-id from-text CPE1 >>> Hex value of ASCII text CPE1 - 43:50:45:31
Engine-ID: 80:00:a5:77:04:43:50:45:31
Other type Value: (05)
There is an additional type Other is present. "type other" typically means that the engine ID does not fit into the predefined categories listed above and may follow a different or proprietary format for SNMP Vendor.