We wanted to provide “cpu service-load” (vsmd load) and “memory system-load” (overall system memory usage) on the Director UI monitoring based on feedback from customers globally. Whereas the cpu oid provides “cpu system-load” and memory oid provides “memory service-load” (vsmd memory), hence the discrepancy which you cited  – this is our implementation currently (also, there is no oid for cpu service-load or memory overall system-load) 

More details for clarity


  1. CPU 


Oid – the oid  provides “overall” cpu usage of the “system” (or what we call “system load”)


Monitor – shows the cpu usage of vsmd service (or what we call “service load”) which essentially encompasses all the load involved in data-plane processing (worker/poller) and versa-vsmd.



  1. Memory


Oid – the oid provides the memory usage of VSMD (service-load)


Monitor – shows the memory usage of the system (derived from calculating free-memory/used-memory values present in “show system details” output), as the overall memory of the system is the true measure of the memory consumption





Side note: Is the below a typo from your side? You seem to have inter-changed cpu and memory oids