If you notice that a site is unable to access the applications hosted at other sites or internet (let’s say all the users behind the site are complaining about loss of access to internet and DC applications), you can look to collect the below outputs before performing any restoration activity – these logs will help/assist in triaging the issue from the perspective of a root cause analysis
If the branch is unreachable from the director, you will need to acquire out-of-band access to the branch via eth0 or console
Capture the below from the cli mode
show orgs org <Tenant-name> sessions summary
show device cpuload
show device clients
show alarms last-n 100
show orgs org <Tenant-name> session extensive
show orgs org <Tenant-name> session brief
show orgs org <Tenant-name> sd-wan sla-monitor status
show orgs org <Tenant-name> sd-wan sla-monitor metrics last-1m
show interfaces brief
show route routing-instance <name-LAN-VR> (the appropriate LAN-VR name)
show bgp neighbor brief
show interface statistics (take this output 3 times)
show class-of-services interfaces extensive
show configuration | display set
show orgs org <Tenant-name> sd-wan brief
ping <controller-wan-ip> routing-instance <name-Transport-VR> (the appropriate controller wan ip and Transport-VR name should be provided – if you have multiple transports, try pinging the appropriate controller wan-ip for each Transport-VR)
ping routing-instance <name-Transport-VR> (try this for all the Transport-VRs present)
show interfaces dynamic-tunnels