There are 2 main ways how you can download logs from VOS device:

1) Via OOB port (eth0) which exists on each device. By default all hardware devices use pre-configured IP on eth0. You can re-configure that port by modifying /etc/network/interfaces file to be able to incorporate it into your network. 

After configuration of the eth0 interface, connect it to your management network and use SCP to download files from the device.

2) Via Versa Director Bash shell.

To use this method you need to know the management IP address of the VOS device. You can find it in the Versa Director GUI as it shown on the example below:

After you identified the management IP of the VOS device, run the following command from the Versa Director bash shell:

scp admin@<Management IP>:<Path to file> ./


After you have file on the Versa Director you can use any of the available tools to download it from there.