Customer reports packet loss or high latency( 10times than usual) or bad application performance on a site and it happens in the interval of 5 mins or you see a pattern on the interval
Ask customer to initiate a ping from a remote site to the problematic site’s LAN interface and observe when the latency starts rising up
Do top -H and Press 1
Watch it for sometime for atleast 2-3 iterations. If you get to see WT-0 always goes high with CPU consumption every time the above problem occurs
Then do "sudo perf top" on a different tab, when the WT-0 goes high.
If you see lef_mstats being at the top until the WT-0 is high
Then it is due to a bug – 65904- Fixed in 20.2.4, 21.1.3
Make the value to “ 0 “ on the below fields under LEF tab and disable “stream tcp evasion detection”
Enabling the Isolate CPU would improve the performance too