
I see port numbering for only 8 ports in my Advantech. I have a hardware which has more than 8 ports. Why does the show interface brief CLI command display 8 ports?

Solution (for 8 ports only)

Follow these steps to mitigate this issue:

  1. Ensure you have the correct image loaded on the device. Refer to Versa FlexVNG build types for more information.
  2. Load the non-wsm image for V810, V-1000, or any other Xenon based appliance. Ensure the NMC modules are installed in the supported slots.
  3. Run this CLI command and capture the command output from the linux shell and mail it to support@versa-networks, if you still encounter this issue.
    sudo dmidecode -t 1 
    lspci | grep Etherenet

NOTE : The device brought through the proper channels should be provided to you with the correct SKUs. Please revert to the channel from where the product was purchased with the incompatible SKUs